Our world, as we know it, has come to a complete standstill. If you’re anything like me, you’re sitting there, glued to your phone, searching for the next piece of information and trying to connect with loved ones you are isolated from.

Fear and anxiety are our new normal in a world where a sneeze makes us suspicious, and purchasing a couple 10kg bags of rice seems perfectly logical.

As we all face a future of uncertainty, it’s easy to forget that Hollywood beat us to the punch. Filmmakers have been profiting for years from our fears of global annihilation, and there is a plethora of apocalyptic and anxiety inducing movies for us to enjoy while we’re locked down at home.

Here is my list of favourite horror movies that definitely won’t help you sleep at night, but might give you some tips on avoiding society and fighting the hordes for toilet paper. God speed.


Outbreak Movie Dustin Hoffman
Outbreak – You will never look at a monkey the same way again.

9. Outbreak – 1995

If you were a teenager in 1995, watching this flick with your friends was terrifying. Set in the United States, the movie follows the chaos caused by a deadly Ebola-like outbreak, and the scientists trying to cure it. While I can assure you anyone working in a lab isn’t as careless as the guy who reaches into the spinning centrifuge with bare hands and thereby solidifying his orifice-oozing fate, Outbreak is entertaining and a good choice for increasing anxiety levels.
12 Monkeys Bruce Willis Brad Pitt
12 Monkeys – Humanity loses the fight against a deadly viral outbreak

8. 12 Monkeys – 1995

1995 was a big year for apocalyptic movies and 12 Monkeys is the best. The plot focuses on a future decimated by disease, and a convict from the year 2035 is sent back in time, tasked with uncovering secrets of a man-made virus which ultimately destroys the world’s population. Starring Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt, 12 Monkeys is rife with corruption, conspiracies, and will make you question your own reality. Nominated for 2 Oscars, this movie will feed your paranoia a 10-course meal.



Train to Busan Zombies South Korea
Train to Busan – Another amazing South Korean horror flick.

7. Train to Busan – 2016

South Korea knows how to do horror and Train to Busan proves my point. One of the best zombie pandemic movies out there, the story is focused on a man traveling with his daughter on – wait for it – a train to Busan, when the zombie apocalypse hits and they become trapped. It’s got action, gore, lovable characters, and fantastic zombies. Add in the tension of taking place on a moving tin sausage, and Train to Busan is a ride you won’t want to get off.



Day of the Dead Romero Zombies
Day of the Dead – Zombies and military abuse of power, what could go wrong?

6. Day of the Dead – 1985

One of the most underrated films in Romero’s Dead series, Day of the Dead is a perfect example of how quickly a situation can turn into a worst case scenario. It certainly won’t build your faith in government military forces, and will call into question the sanity of medical personnel. Basically it will make you suspicious of everyone and trust nothing. Add in the amazing practical effects of Tom Savini and you have yourself a winner.



This is the End Seth Rogen James Franco
This is the End – a little bit of hilarious to go with the apocalypse.

5. This is the End – 2013

If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it’s that celebrities aren’t immune to being infected by viral invaders. If a nice guy like Tom Hanks can get sick then clearly anybody is fair game. While This is the End isn’t dealing with A-listers like Forrest Gump, it hammers home that people are people no matter what their profession. Watching this star-studded cast get picked off one by one in increasingly gory deaths orchestrated by apocalyptic demons will make you feel like a tiny speck in the Universe. All I know is if I ever get invited to a party at James Franco’s house, I’m going to politely decline.



I am Legend Horror Will Smith
I am Legend – a man and his dog, how sweet.

4. I am Legend– 2007

Based off the 1954 novel that shares its name, I am Legend follows the story of Dr. Robert Neville (played by the Fresh Prince himself Will Smith), a military virologist surviving in New York City after a genetically engineered virus nearly wipes out the world’s population. He and his dog Sam are some of the only survivors left, except for the millions of cannibalistic mutants of course. Watching Neville go through his daily motions of searching for food, struggling with isolation, and the necessary end of day lock down, is tough to watch. The empty New York streets are creepy and foreboding, and the the theme that the cure is worse than the disease takes center stage.



Contagoin Horror Movie Jude Law Matt Damon
Contagion – Fear will destroy us all

3. Contagion – 2011

While not technically classed as a horror movie, it is arguably the best pandemic movie of all time, and it’s onto this list because of its accurate portrayal of real-life horrors. Following an influenza-like outbreak (sound familiar?) from day 1, we see how ordinary citizens react as vaccines are scarce, and food becomes even scarcer, ultimately leading to panic and violence. The all star cast is incredible and the graphic images of the sick and dying will haunt you. It is totally relatable which makes it that much more frightening.



28 Days Later Horror Cillian Murphy London
28 Days Later – Hello? Is anybody out there?

2. 28 Days Later – 2002

If you’re a horror fan, you’ve probably already seen this one, which is why it deserves a top spot. Starring Cillian Murphy and directed by Danny Boyle, 28 Days Later takes place in London, England and showcases once again the breakdown of society during a viral outbreak. 28 Days Later has become a classic zombie flick, and the shots of empty London streets have now become infamous as they mimic current day London. Want to avoid a panic attack? Maybe don’t watch this alone.



REC Spanish Foreign Film Horror
REC – One of the best foreign found-footage movies around.

1. REC – 2007

I know, I know, another zombie movie but hey, zombies and pandemics go together like Freddy Kruger and bad jokes. Plus, I promise you, REC deserves its top spot on the list. This Spanish found-footage horror is one of the best around and follows a news reporter, Angela, during the first few hours of a zombie-virus outbreak. REC spawned 3 sequels, and a decent Americanized remake (Quarantine – 2008) which matches the original movie nearly shot for shot. The original Spanish version (not dubbed, subtitles only please) is the best though with full gore, jump-scares, and a super high creep factor. If you make the mistake of watching it once the sun goes down with all the lights turned off, you definitely won’t be worrying about COVID-19 for the rest of the night.


There you go guys, I hope you enjoyed my list! Let me know what you think and if you enjoy any of these movies too!

Stay safe and healthy horror fans!

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